Online Course

Walk In Patient Dental Reps For Beginners

This course offers insights into creating a welcoming yet efficient environment for walk-ins and managing dental representative visits without disrupting the daily workflow. Through a combination of lectures, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, participants will learn strategies for balancing unscheduled visits with pre-scheduled appointments, ensuring all patients receive timely and high-quality care.

Course Objectives

  • Optimize Practice Operations to Accommodate Walk-In Patients: Participants will learn how to efficiently integrate walk-in patients into the daily schedule without significantly impacting pre-scheduled appointments. This includes strategies for quick patient registration, assessment of urgency, and effective communication techniques to manage patient expectations.
  • Develop Effective Communication and Scheduling Strategies for Dental Representative Visits: This objective focuses on establishing protocols for scheduling and managing visits from dental representatives that minimize disruption to patient care. Participants will learn how to set clear guidelines for these visits, including the best times for meetings, the duration of visits, and the type of information or samples that can be beneficial to the practice.
  • Enhance Patient Satisfaction and Experience: Participants will be equipped with skills to ensure that both walk-in patients and those with scheduled appointments feel valued and well-cared for. This includes managing wait times, providing clear communication about expected wait times and services available, and ensuring a comfortable waiting area.
  • Implement Policies and Procedures for Managing Walk-Ins and Representative Visits: The course will guide participants in developing or refining practice policies and procedures that address the management of walk-in patients and dental representative visits. This includes creating a structured approach to prioritize care based on patient needs and urgency, as well as establishing guidelines for the frequency and nature of dental representative visits.

By the end of this course, dental practice staff will have a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by walk-in patients and dental representative visits. Participants will leave with practical strategies and tools to enhance practice efficiency, patient satisfaction, and the overall patient care experience, ensuring the dental practice can successfully manage unscheduled visits while maintaining a high standard of care.




I had been out of the dental field for 20 years and wanted to restart my career as a dental assistant but I felt that myskills were a bit rusty and wanted to be up to date and this course was exactly what I needed. It was a great refresheron safety, anatomy, techniques etc but most especially Michelle was so encouraging and supportive. I really feltunsure about going back after so many years but she reinforced things I knew and showed me some very helpful newtechniques. Today at my new job I did my first fmx in 20 years!!!! It was incredibly rewarding. They turned out very welland Dr was very pleased. Would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking to have this credential.

Jennifer Baxter


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