Online Course

Essential Skills in a Dental Office

This course, titled Essential Skills for Dental Settings, is designed to equip front office staff in dental practices with the foundational skills necessary for exceptional patient interaction and efficient office management. Through interactive modules, real-world scenarios, and expert guidance, participants will learn the nuances of professional communication, message-taking accuracy, and the protocols for managing patient records requests.

Here are three key objectives of the course:

Course Objectives

  • Professional Phone Communication: Participants will learn the art of answering the phone in a professional manner, ensuring that the first point of contact with patients sets a positive tone for their entire experience. This includes greeting patients warmly, effectively managing inquiries, and handling difficult calls with grace.
  • Accurate Message Taking: This objective focuses on the importance of taking detailed and accurate messages that leave no room for confusion. Participants will learn techniques for recording messages clearly, including the caller's details, the purpose of the call, and any specific requests or information needed for a follow-up.
  • Handling Patient Records Requests: The course will cover the legal and ethical considerations involved in managing patient records, including how to respond to requests for records in a manner that complies with healthcare privacy laws. Participants will gain an understanding of the processes for retrieving, copying, and securely transferring records to patients or other healthcare providers.

By the end of this course, participants will be well-equipped to enhance patient satisfaction, improve office efficiency, and ensure compliance with healthcare regulations, making them invaluable assets to any dental practice.




I had been out of the dental field for 20 years and wanted to restart my career as a dental assistant but I felt that myskills were a bit rusty and wanted to be up to date and this course was exactly what I needed. It was a great refresheron safety, anatomy, techniques etc but most especially Michelle was so encouraging and supportive. I really feltunsure about going back after so many years but she reinforced things I knew and showed me some very helpful newtechniques. Today at my new job I did my first fmx in 20 years!!!! It was incredibly rewarding. They turned out very welland Dr was very pleased. Would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking to have this credential.

Jennifer Baxter


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