Online Course

EOB Intermediate Course

Advance Your Skills: Navigate EOBs with Expertise in Dental Practice!

Dive deeper into the world of dental insurance with our 'EOB (Explanation of Benefits) Intermediate Course for Dental Practices.' This course is designed for dental office staff, including billing specialists and office managers, who have a basic understanding of EOBs and are looking to enhance their expertise in this crucial area.

Building on foundational knowledge, this intermediate course delves into more complex aspects of understanding and managing Explanation of Benefits documents. You'll gain insights into interpreting intricate details of EOBs, handling discrepancies, and effectively communicating with insurance companies to resolve issues.

Key Course Highlights

  • Advanced EOB Interpretation: Learn to navigate the complexities of EOBs, understanding detailed breakdowns, and what they mean for your practice and patients.
  • Effective Discrepancy Management: Develop skills to identify and address discrepancies between EOBs and dental claims, ensuring accurate processing and reimbursement.
  • Enhanced Communication with Insurers: Gain strategies for effective communication with insurance companies, enhancing your ability to advocate for your practice and patients.

Enroll in our 'EOB Intermediate Course for Dental Practices' to elevate your understanding of dental insurance benefits, streamline your billing processes, and contribute to the financial health of your dental practice.




I had been out of the dental field for 20 years and wanted to restart my career as a dental assistant but I felt that myskills were a bit rusty and wanted to be up to date and this course was exactly what I needed. It was a great refresheron safety, anatomy, techniques etc but most especially Michelle was so encouraging and supportive. I really feltunsure about going back after so many years but she reinforced things I knew and showed me some very helpful newtechniques. Today at my new job I did my first fmx in 20 years!!!! It was incredibly rewarding. They turned out very welland Dr was very pleased. Would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking to have this credential.

Jennifer Baxter


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