Online Course

Mastery of The Daily Huddle

Transform Your Practice: Master the Art of the Daily Huddle!

Step into a new realm of team efficiency with our 'Mastery Level Morning Huddle Course for Dental Practices.' This advanced course is designed for dental professionals who are well-versed in conducting morning huddles and are seeking to elevate these meetings to an art form. Ideal for experienced dentists, office managers, and team leaders, this course offers innovative strategies to maximize the impact of your daily huddles.

In this mastery-level course, you'll explore sophisticated techniques for leading morning huddles that not only set the day's agenda but also inspire and energize your team. Learn how to integrate advanced analytics, foster a culture of continuous improvement, and create an environment where every team member is aligned with the practice's goals and motivated to contribute their best.

Key Course Highlights

  • Strategic Planning and Analytics: Utilize advanced data and analytics to inform your daily planning and track progress towards practice goals.
  • Cultivating a High-Performance Team Culture: Learn techniques to inspire excellence, encourage open communication, and foster a sense of ownership among team members.
  • Innovative Meeting Techniques: Discover creative approaches to make morning huddles more engaging, interactive, and effective in driving practice success.

Enroll in our 'Mastery Level Morning Huddle Course' to revolutionize the way your team starts the day, turning your morning meetings into a cornerstone of practice success and team cohesion.




I had been out of the dental field for 20 years and wanted to restart my career as a dental assistant but I felt that myskills were a bit rusty and wanted to be up to date and this course was exactly what I needed. It was a great refresheron safety, anatomy, techniques etc but most especially Michelle was so encouraging and supportive. I really feltunsure about going back after so many years but she reinforced things I knew and showed me some very helpful newtechniques. Today at my new job I did my first fmx in 20 years!!!! It was incredibly rewarding. They turned out very welland Dr was very pleased. Would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking to have this credential.

Jennifer Baxter


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